He has a diesel shop business in Grandville Michigan and made news when ranted that his Christian values does not endorse the gays and that he would not work on their vehicle if they were open about it. He has some great quotes that I want to post from his facebook page. They have vandalized his shop and also made threats against him and his families lives.
April 29th... I'm sure the following news will irritate the sodomites, homofascists, haters, and assorted evil doers. My business was doing well before and continues to do well. For the most part, my customer base is of the traditional, hard working, get up and get it yourself if you want it, type of folks. I am sure a lot of them would just as quickly thump ya' before they let you explain to them how it's "ok" for a man to put another mans penis in his mouth. Therefore, I expect business to grow and I appreciate all of the publicity.
If you do not understand what I have said then ask me. I do not hate anyone. I am disgusted by some of the behavior people choose to participate in. I do not hate homosexuals. I hate homosexuality. As an American, I believe you are free to do as you wish as long as it does not impose on others. If you take it back into the closet then you and I will have no problems. As a Bible believer I think it is sinful and poisonous to your soul. I am not "judging" anyone. You will have to answer for yourself someday. You are responsible for your own actions. That being said, you can take advantage of our corrupt and greedy leaders and have laws passed in your favor but you will NEVER convince me that your sodomy is acceptable, at all.
---here is some more from that day... Get off my guns. Guns don't kill people. Stupid does. There are FAR more automotive related deaths in this country than by firearm. More people died the day of the Newtown tragedy from car accidents than in that school by a long shot. Lets be honest. If I want you dead I don't need a gun. I can just as easily smear you from a seated position, theme music rollin, from the comfort of my truck.
---- (if) The Government subsidized "Everything" would quickly cause a State of Communism. (we are already here) There would be a very select few in charge while everyone else is starving. The people have been disarmed so they can do nothing. America is still great but it is dying quickly. I assure you, the small amount of glue that is holding this Nation together is not in Hollywood, Political office, Media, or on Welfare. It is the American Worker. The Men and Women that get up everyday to pay their own bills and the bills of others. These people are too busy to protest against you. You Liberal Progressives need to understand something. Out of all the people that reached out to me during this ordeal, there were FAR more people in support of me than against. I mean a HUGE difference. I DON'T TELL ALL OF YOU HATERS THIS TO MAKE YOU FEEL SMALL. I TELL YOU THIS SO YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE. Shut up and go to work to be productive. If you keep doing what you are doing to this Country and the economy collapses, the only thing we will have left is our guns, our Patriotic hearts, and plenty of time to deal with you.
---here is some more from April 24.... This is my favorite rant
The American people need to start paying attention. We are quickly losing a Republic that far too many bled and died for. As an individual, I am not asking for anyone's permission to feel the way I do. I am also not asking anyone to take anything I say as fact; do your own research, because knowledge is power. The bottom line, is that "progressive" ideology is killing America, and wants to take from us everything we hold dear. It's time we stand up to this assault, wherever we find it. Here's what I think are some of the biggest issues right now.
Guns are not just about hunting. In fact, that's not even their main purpose. Government works for us, the People, and the individual right to possess arms under the Second Amendment is there to keep it that way, if all other Constitutional safety mechanisms fail. The Founders enshrined the 2nd so that "should government become destructive of these ends" - protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - the people would have the ability to abolish it, because rogue governments don't voluntarily give up power. The People, acting through their state legislatures or local authorities, armed as a back-up, can and should oppose out-of-control federal overreach. All it takes is political will. Politicians and judges who have designs on our liberty should know this: we speak with civility, and we implore you to respect our freedoms and institutions, but we will not beg. We will work with everything in our power to avoid it, but the 2nd is there for when "please" falls on deaf ears, and you cross that final line. Don't cross it.
Immigration with assimilation. We need to build a dang fence. We have immigration laws, and they must be followed. I don't have the right to invite myself into my neighbor's living room, because it's nicer than mine, without asking "please," and waiting to be allowed in. Immigration is the same way - follow the rules, and become an American. Illegal immigration from the South hurts our Latin brothers and sisters who have followed the rules, and is dangerous to the public health. There is also a massive criminal element we need to be concerned about, like the drug cartels and lawless people, including Islamic extremists in Mexico and South America. Without a fence, we are fools to think we are safe.
Work. If you (able-bodied individual) don’t work, you don’t eat. The Bible makes it clear that we are to help the widows, the orphans, and others who cannot help themselves, but this is the responsibility of individuals, churches and others in the private sector. This model functioned perfectly fine until the 20th Century, when private charity was taken over by the State. We have now seen that the State fails when it tries to take on this role. The State cannot give charity; it can only take from those who have earned and give to those who haven't by force, and that's not charity - it's robbery. The state-run welfare system is corrupt and is far too susceptible to abuse, and we are enabling this behavior with our actions. Things like 99 weeks of unemployment? Seriously? "Disability" wildly overblown? Don't even get me started on failed "Great Society" programs that have trapped generations in fatherless poverty, robbed them of their dignity and self-respect, warehoused them in failing public schools, until they are old enough to be transferred to the prison system.
Morality. Men and women are designed for each other - there's no "war between the sexes," a "war on women," or "marriage inequality" for homosexuals. That's all Leftist hogwash. Men and women are designed for each other, and complement each other. Abortion is murder. Marriage has a definition, and sodomy-based unions are simply "not marriage."
Here's why: the sex drive is powerful. Natural male-female sexual relations are the norm, and children result from them. The sex drive must be contained within the bounds of man-woman marriage. Contained within a faithful marriage relationship, it is a powerful bond between man and woman. Uncontained, it creates chaos.
Unfaithfulness and no-fault divorce has harmed marriage, and has harmed children; sodomy-based "marriage" will that harmful trend. For that matter, sodomy is no ground for marriage. You are born male or female and in His image, and designed for a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. Like everything in a fallen world, even the sex drive is subject to misdirection, in the form of same-sex attraction, but no one is born a homosexual. Life experiences, actions by others, and environment shape attractions, but everyone has moral ability TO CHOOSE on whether to act on those feelings.
Ultimately, acting on one's sexual attractions, without morality guiding them, leads to fornication, adultery, incest or sodomy. None of those are "states of being" - they are ACTIONS (based on attractions) subject to moral choice. Why are we "hung up" on homosexuality right now? Simple - there's not an organized polygamy or incest lobby demanding we call those deviant behaviors normal (yet), and adultery and fornication has already become "normal." We need to rebuild morality and marriage where it has had a breakdown, but in the meantime, not destroy another aspect of the institution. No society or culture in history has ever survived after sodomy has become "acceptable behavior." It destroys the morality of a people and is overshadowing the moral standards of a nation which we will see fail in front of our eyes if we do nothing. ....there is more, go to his page if you want to see more, we need to stand with people that hold true family values.