It has only been a few weeks and they have said that many of the Small business loans should be in the bank this week yet, BY WEDNESDAY for most of them. What an awesome job, they set this up on the fly and have streamlined the process and made it easy and quick. I am amazed. I have already gotten my 600 unemployment in my account last Thursday and I should have that weekly until its over. I had a job lined up until this happened and now that's on hold.
The FAKE NEWS media still tries to give him questions that are blatantly rude, and he handles them so well. I have a backlog of stuff to put on about Trump just to document how things have happened. He told them he has the authority under the emergency declaration. And this is backed up in the FEDERALIST PAPERS. I have some clips of what some have said to follow.
The FAKE NEWS media still tries to give him questions that are blatantly rude, and he handles them so well. I have a backlog of stuff to put on about Trump just to document how things have happened. He told them he has the authority under the emergency declaration. And this is backed up in the FEDERALIST PAPERS. I have some clips of what some have said to follow.