Great Read...
The United States was originally set to be a Constitutional Republic, although it is often referred to by many as a democracy; both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution fail to address the US as a democracy. Instead, they refer to it as a Republic, the difference being that in a Republic the government is a servant of the people. They are obliged to their owners, “We the People”, and must act on their best interest and collective will.
Over the past few decades, we have seen an increase in the close ties between corporations and government representatives. Continually, money has funneled into the American political system and has allowed multi-billion dollar corporations to sway “majority opinion” and legislative favor one way or another. Wealthy corporations and banks are bailed out, while the everyday citizen is left to suffer.
Living under a monetary system that is self-destructive and continually deteriorates the dollar and purchasing power doesn’t help either. Researchers from Princeton and Northwestern universities now confirm what many have felt and known for some time, that the US political system serves special interest organizations instead of the American voters.
The official policies rarely align with the preferences of the majority of Americans, which we knew even before reading the report. Even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get to see it. The interests of the average American are served only when it also serves those of the richest 10 %, the researchers concluded.
The United States was originally set to be a Constitutional Republic, although it is often referred to by many as a democracy; both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution fail to address the US as a democracy. Instead, they refer to it as a Republic, the difference being that in a Republic the government is a servant of the people. They are obliged to their owners, “We the People”, and must act on their best interest and collective will.
Over the past few decades, we have seen an increase in the close ties between corporations and government representatives. Continually, money has funneled into the American political system and has allowed multi-billion dollar corporations to sway “majority opinion” and legislative favor one way or another. Wealthy corporations and banks are bailed out, while the everyday citizen is left to suffer.
Living under a monetary system that is self-destructive and continually deteriorates the dollar and purchasing power doesn’t help either. Researchers from Princeton and Northwestern universities now confirm what many have felt and known for some time, that the US political system serves special interest organizations instead of the American voters.
The official policies rarely align with the preferences of the majority of Americans, which we knew even before reading the report. Even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get to see it. The interests of the average American are served only when it also serves those of the richest 10 %, the researchers concluded.