Right before Easter some of the biggest things are breaking for Kristie, and things don't look good for her, she is a very weak person for a Crisis. First off this Smithfield Plant/Morrell's meat packing plant was sold to China in 2017 from credible sources. She is a democrat that ran under the Republican ticket and true colors are showing.
Here's the link to the video and article that Keloland has... Smithfield now 4th largest hotspot in the United States; DOH to declare public health emergency for Minnehaha County
The plant has had many problems over the years and old management killed the Union when I was in high school by bringing in foreign workers to replace South Dakota people. Now at the Smithfield plant there is not much English spoken. It was sold to China in 2017.
I will tell you why its a hotspot as it was meant to bring the Virus to our state and let it spread. That is what weaponized warfare is. They select targets, to target their enemy and China is the Enemy of the United States. We have to put a stop to this, the answer is NOT to quarantine all of South Dakota, but to just Quarantine the workers, Bring in Ice, and ship back the ones that are beyond their VISAs or here illegally.
But the bad thing about this, is HOW MUCH TAINTED MEAT was shipped out of this plant in the last two weeks. I mean if it is really something to be FEARED, as that is all the mainstream media is doing, is promoting FEAR. The fear is worse than the disease. Now if what these foreigners really brought in the deadly variety, then they all should be arrested for the harm they could have caused. They are closing the Plant for 3 days but that is a lie, as they are still having people work there... It should be closed for 14 days and it should be thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom. I have heard it has a huge rodent problem, rats and mice. The best thing that happens in all of this that every manufacturer has to thoroughly clean the dickens out of everything.
So why are you punishing the citizens of South Dakota, just isolate the Plant and the foreign workers from this plant, and put them under house arrest until they show no signs. Do a background check on every one there with a visa and ship back anyone that should be sent back.
Now about this Care-19 App that Kristie talks about is nothing more than a way of violating a citizens constitutional rights and keeps track of where they go and who they talk to... think of the nefarious ways that this information could be used after this so called CRISIS. So was this App developed before the Crisis and part of the PLANdemic?The real Crisis is how the Democrats, RINOS and politicians are killing the small businesses and farmers/ranchers in this state... THAT IS THE TRUE CRISIS.
You have no idea how mad I got when I truly put together that the government wants to trick us into giving them permission to track ourselves and to let us send them that information thru an App that violates our constitutional rights. This is a Trick or Con and that kind of contract is not valid at all.
The other thing about this is from Mike Gunns, President of CPSD, is that Tenhaken & Noem, were trying to hide this fact, until he broke the story out on his facebook time line and I will add that story in as well. Someone from Keloland News asked questions and well now they have their created crisis to up the numbers since this is such a bust anyway... they are not getting the number of dead people out of this virus that they wanted to get. So well now Kristie you got your hot spot that you wanted... the bad news is now everyone knows that is a China plant and is owned by China so it doesnt look as good for you now.
Her advisors are weak too, the guy answering the question about 3 days of 85 degree weather will kill it was wishy washy... Dr Shiva said that is wont survive over 85 degrees and so many other experts have said that... this crisis will be over in May, and i am putting that out there. By JUNE they move on to some other talking point and it will be all over.
At the 22 minute mark or somewhere in that area, someone asked about "allegations" and she snapped... "...AND I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF THE MEDIA WOULD REMEMBER THAT!" ...how dare they mention that...she spouts off about reporting half the truth, or misleading headlines or at least the truth Kristie wants us to see... Must be something there if that was her reaction... I suppose all those kickbacks she receives.. LOL. The Mayor of Sioux Falls and Kristie were trying to keep this quiet... its not Quiet anymore. Its out there Now and people will know the whole truth Kristie.