This is an orchestrated event from our city and state leaders. Trump is the only thing standing in their way. Vote #Trump2020 if you want to keep your country and not be taken over. #QSentMe #ReneforgovSD2022 ….
Please use my hashtag and add me to your twitter,
Rene Meyer for Governor of SD 2022 @ReneMey81375379
I want to protect your rights, I want to be of service to the people and not someone is in service for self. I am working for GOD. Lets protect the life of the unborn, of families and of future generations.
Please use my hashtag and add me to your twitter,
Rene Meyer for Governor of SD 2022 @ReneMey81375379
I want to protect your rights, I want to be of service to the people and not someone is in service for self. I am working for GOD. Lets protect the life of the unborn, of families and of future generations.