The reason I have started this website has to do with the fact I know the economy is going to crash and many people will be homeless and will have to find ways of adapting. Mother earth is changing and that the ones in charge of our earth has miss managed it and if they cant have it, they want to destroy it and us with it. Gods time to change things is coming very soon. They have started every war for their benefit.
Now to tell you how I have come to knowing what I know and the situations I am in and have been in. Back in 07 , I could see things changing, I had a business and all of a sudden the income level in one month drastically dropped and everyone was talking of the economy was about to turn and to start to cut back. And then slowly month after month things changed and pretty soon it was half of normal because people did not have the money to put into repairing their car. If it comes down to paying for a car repair or groceries or the water or electric bill then it trickles down. Just before this I went thru a divorce from my husband and between the two something had to give. Looking back I should have cut back sooner.
Well I did not cut back in time and was forced to move my business, unfortunately the building that I went into was run down and did not always give people a good impression. And then I had 3 of my employees quit at one time, just after I moved and had not gotten the security cameras up and running yet. And they stole over 175,000 in tools, this was the total down fall because the insurance refused to pay out for the total loss. They paid 30k only and because of this sales tax fell behind and they then had the opportunity to ruin my reputation. Please do not use Auto-Owners Insurance, change immediately, for business or home.
This is part of the plan, now that the insurance companies are requiring everyone to purchase the policies they now have no reason to pay out now that the government officials have been bought. WELCOME to the new Ponzi scheme. This is a move to take out as many small businesses. Make them purchase expensive insurance and then don't pay so they cannot recover from the situation.
Because the insurance did not pay out it also caused a cash flow issue and I fell behind with the sales tax. Of course instead of doing anything to punish the people who broke into my shop, they would rather arrest me and charge me with six felonies. Its easier to harass the small business that wants to improve their community. With the help of my Dad and finally finding an attorney that did not throw me under a bus because the assigned attorneys work for the state. We worked out a payment plan and had to plead to a misdemeanor.
Another thing that did not help is that my ex-husband was allowed to start a competing business and left me with 100,000 in debt and was unwilling to pay his share of the debt. The judge finally made his decision about a year later and I was awarded 33k but he did not like that he would have to pay and contested the property division even though he was not paying any of the bills associated with the house or business. He got a free pass to do this because we still live in a patriarchial society. It finally came back and then the judge retired and I have still yet to see a penny from him. I have a window of opportunity though and I did just find out that I still can get this done. I am going to get another hearing set to get the final ruling established.
The next thing that happened was I lost my lease on my business location again, I thought I had found another but it was not suitable as the ceilings were not high enough for the automotive lifts, had to be 12 foot. So now I was without a business location. I had the money for another spot but could not find a suitable location at the time. Now I see so many automotive shops that the owner has to have another job just to stay in business and keep their own bills paid. I tried to run out of my house until the city kept harassing people at my house, I had no signs up, and I have a right to help people. They actually recognized and towed a vehicle of one of my techs and they could not get it back.
Now before I lost this location, I had a customer break into my business and remove their car and some of my business checks. Of course the police say its a civil matter. Yet if they did this at a dealership the situation would be different. I also heard of one shop where they arrested him because he wasn't going to release the car until the bill was paid. They are changing the laws to eliminate any mom and pop businesses. Its a war on independent business people. One of the checks was cashed in Deadwood, so they arrested me for the checks even though I had done all the paperwork for the stolen checks and submitted it. I would have fought this more but by this time I am not working and have run out of money. I finally had to settle with a misdemeanor because evidently the prosecutor changed and would not honor the deal that was made. Please anyone avoid Deadwood, SD it is the most corrupt town we have.
Then this last December I had someone watch my house while I was away and they removed an easy 50k worth of tools from my garage and again the insurance company only wants to offer me 2500 on 50k loss. Again avoid Auto-Owners Insurance, if anyone has this company switch and anyone with issues with them, tell me your story. But this is the story from most insurance companies now. With the government requiring insurance they no longer need to pay out to keep customers.
My house went into foreclosure in the middle of 2014 when I ran out of funds and have barely been managing to keep the bills paid. In January 2015 they served me with papers and then in May the bank sent papers on asking the courts for a summary judgment, now I have to get a lawyer. The problem is no one wants foreclosures because the person is usually tapped out at that point. I also went thru a bankruptcy in 03 and believe the banks changed the rates and algorithms at that time. I did not reaffirm the loans so really the house should be considered unsecured asset. If you are an expert in foreclosures, bankruptcies or one that believes in the constitution, email me at [email protected], as soon as possible. I did just get a month to find an attorney and get papers into the judge but was warned that he will sign it next month if I don't show cause. They don't want to look how these actions violates the constitution because then they would not be able to steal all the homes and land from the people.
I can also see that all this has been planned by the elite to slowly steal America, house by house. Then they will kill as many of us as the elite can, they will do this using our police force. They will force us into Re education centers, Everything will become illegal. And then they will bring in the Mexicans and others and sell them our houses and country. We all have to stand up to the banks, we all must stand united. The mismanagement that I have found in my mortgage after stopping paying them is staggering. My 15 year second mortgage is hardly barely paid 15 years later. It should be paid off and there are errors in the first mortgage as well. I believe they have the interest rate set higher than they say because that has barely changed in 17 years. They want to keep everyone an indentured servant. In the 30's you could be kidnapped into a work farm, now they call that JAIL.